The residency of the artist and curator Anna König Vlk followed the realization of the art.mindpattern artistic experiment, which the artist presented at the beginning of 2023
at the Echo of the Depth in Space group exhibition at Pragovka Gallery Entry and Pop-Up.
Anna König Vlk has long been researching the gallery environment and the question of the relationship between the viewer and the artwork in the exhibition space. During the residency, the author has prepared a comprehensive set of outputs (3D mindpattern models) of individual actors – participants of the experiment, which together with audio recordings of thought flows reflect the local context of thinking about contemporary art. This output enabled the author to develop the concept of a new artwork – a multi-channel video consisting of selected theatrically processed speech recordings with an emotionally coloured character. The resulting video will be subsequently presented at the beginning of 2024 at the QR Gallery in Prague at the artist’s solo exhibition.
Mind 1. / Mind 2.
(video installation, 2024, 09:43)
Directed by: Anna König Vlk
Camera & Sound: Jiří Štěpánek
Theatre Actors: Kateřina Jebavá, Pavel Čeněk Vaculík
Theatre Space: INDUSTRA STAGE, Lazaretní 925/9, 61500 Brno, Czech Republic
With the financial support of Pragovka Gallery
What is going on in the background of our minds when we think out loud? Mind 1. and Mind 2.
is a mixture of dozens of art.mindpatter minds, real fragments of conversations and speeches that together create a coherent flow of information. The minds respond to stimuli, argue with each other, clarify, describe, but most importantly reveal our collective mind to the visitor.