Solo show
Curator: Ana Ciornea
qr_space_ @qr_space_
Photo: Authors archive


“Anna König Vlk draws us into a world where art becomes not only an object of observation, but also a means of exploring our mental patterns. Her artistic experiment invites us to reflect on our own understanding of artistic expression and the aim of this project is to redefine our understanding of the gallery space and the processes that take place within it.”

In qr_space_ Anna presented an artistic experiment called art.mindpattern @art.mindpattern In her art experiment the viewer becomes the creator, the curator of the exhibition. The centrepiece of the exhibition is a scale model of the gallery, which symbolizes our perception of space and allows us to see inside it from new perspectives. The surrounding videos Mind 1. and Mind 2., where the layout of the exhibitions is vividly debated, give the viewer an insight into the curatorial process and inspiring them to reflect on their own. In this way, the artist not only presents her work, but also creates a space for dialogue and interaction between the viewer and the art.”